When God Works
My release date from prison was set for Thursday, and on Sunday I went to chapel with my friend, Rose, as usual. As the service began with singing I started thinking about leaving and I couldn't stop the tears. What was so frustrating was that these tears were not from happiness. They were because I wouldn't be seeing the friends I had made during my time in prison any more. The tears were because I was leaving a place that had become my home.
These tears made no sense to me. I should be jumping for joy and celebrating as I would be free in four days. NOPE. Instead I spent the next four days fighting back tears as I said my goodbyes and did pre-release activities.
As I reflect on those tears I had to acknowledge that God had changed me. He softened my heart towards these women. He helped me be content being in prison. He allowed me the privilege to serve Him every day that I was there. He helped me to give Him thanks in everything.
When the officer opened the door that Thursday morning and told me I was free to go, I left with a huge smile on my face. There were no tears that morning! I left knowing that all those lessons God had taught me in prison I would be taking with me into my "free" life. I left knowing I would never forget my friends that I had left behind.
When you let go and let God work in your life, He changes you from the inside out. He does things that seem impossible. He works in ways you would never dream of. The key was that I had to "let go" and just "let Him" go to work. I will always be a work in progress, but by God's grace I will continue to become more like Christ each day.
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