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June 24, 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022 was going to be a pretty normal day for me. I would be working during the day and that evening I would go to church for Vacation Bible School. Several weeks before our Assistant Pastor asked me to teach the Bible lesson that night. The lesson was "God Comforts Elijah" from I Kings 19:1-18. That Friday I was prepared to teach. I had sent in my illustrations to be added to the night's slide presentation, but I was struggling with how to introduce the lesson so it was relevant to the kids. I was praying that God would give me some ideas before that evening. Around 10:30 am I received a call from Jeff telling me he would be seeing his parole officer after lunch. We were both excited as Jeff would be getting his release date at this meeting. I had received a text from my attorney asking to talk to me earlier that morning. I mentioned to Jeff that I had scheduled a phone call with her for 3 pm. That afternoon as I was cleaning my second house Jeff called m...

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